Beauty Qualifications & Amended Pre-Requisites for Level 4 Aesthetic Qualifications

Following discussion with centres regarding recent changes, we have elected to improve our processes to make entry requirements less onerous while maintaining our high-quality standards.

We appreciate some centres have been finding the changes tough to manage, particularly with QA staff upskilling from CPD to nationally recognised qualifications. This is, however, a necessary part of retaining the integrity and credibility of the nationally recognised qualifications you need. Change is hard for all of us, but necessary.

We have listened to your concerns and have been able to adapt the entry requirements to help make the administrative process easier to manage and the language used less difficult to interpret. The adjustments listed below should go some way toward simplifying your admin load.

Portfolio Requirements

Centres must ensure learner portfolios meet the requirements of the qualification being undertaken – evidence must be sufficient and meet required criteria, ranges, and command verbs.

Performance Evidence

Observation forms, including appropriate photographic and video evidence (for applicable qualifications) should be included within portfolios.

Centres must ensure the required range, criteria, and quantity of observations have been completed.

Knowledge-Based Evidence

Assignments / workbooks should be completed ensuring answers meet the command verb and level of qualification.

Portfolios must contain assessment and IQA records – this includes assessor feedback for observations and assignments/ workbooks, and formative / summative IQA reports.

Entry requirements

Furthermore, we have altered the entry requirements on the below qualifications. We may now consider CPD and sector experience in place of a ‘formal’ qualification. These instances will be considered in a ‘case by case’ bases.

Please don’t hesitate to come back to us if you have any further queries or concerns.