Would you like to develop non-regulated qualifications that meet the needs and requirements of your learners?
You can! You just need to apply to become a Focus Awards Approved Centre. Our Focus on Quality Provision (FQP) Scheme offers Approved Centres the facility to get their own bespoke, specialist or CPD courses endorsed by Focus Awards.
The approval process is simple and can take just 7 days as long as you meet the approval criteria. We do require copies of staff CV’s and certificates and copies of policies and procedures, if you could attach these with the application form we can start the approval process.
As part of the application process, you will need to provide copies of the certificates and CVs for all the staff who will be involved in the assessment, delivery, and internal quality assurance of the qualifications you will be seeking approval for.
By endorsing non-regulated qualifications for our Approved Centres, we help learners choose products and learning providers that have been through a rigorous quality control process.
On successful completion of an FQP endorsed non-regulated qualification, learners are awarded a Certificate of Achievement that evidences and demonstrates they have achieved a qualification that requires dedication, hard work, and subject matter knowledge.