Focus Awards Level 2 Award in Coaching Functional Fitness (RQF)

QRN – 610/1523/4                                                   Fee £19

Qualification Purpose

The aim of the Focus Awards Level 2 Award in Coaching Functional Fitness (RQF) is to provide learners with the understanding of the role and responsibility of a coach in Functional Fitness, to identify the key aspects of the role and responsibilities related to rules, regulations, duty of care and safe coaching practice and be able to prepare, deliver and evaluate Functional Fitness sessions for individuals and a group. This qualification is aimed at those that wishing to gain experience in coaching Functional Fitness.

Age Ranges

Entry is at the discretion of the centre. However, learners should be aged 16 to undertake this qualification.

Geographical Coverage

This qualification is available in England.

Learner Entry Requirements

Learners should be competent in literacy and numeracy to help with elements of communication. This is at the discretion of the centre as they may decide to use diagnostic testing methods to ascertain how they can support learners.

Progression Routes

Learners wishing to progress from this qualification can undertake the following qualifications:

Qualification Specification

To view the Qualification Specification please click here.

Mandatory Units

Unit Title Unit reference Level Credit Guided Learning Hours
Understanding how to lead a team in active leisure F/503/0778 3 3 17
Promoting customer care in active leisure K/503/0774 3 3 18
Understanding how to manage health, safety and welfare in active leisure A/503/0780 3 3 20
Understanding the active leisure and learning sector F/600/1758 3 3 23
Understanding employment rights and responsibilities J/600/0840 2 2 15
Continuing professional development in active leisure J/503/0782 3 2 8

Sports, Leisure and Recreation