If you are wanting to become an approved centre with Focus Awards, simply Head over to the website https://focusawards.org.uk/become-a-centre and Fill out the becoming a centre interest form. The interest form will be checked and you will receive an email with an application form attached for you to fill out your relevant details.
As part of the application process, you will need to provide copies of the certificates and CVs for all the staff who will be involved in the assessment, delivery, and internal quality assurance of the qualifications you will be seeking approval for.
Once your centre has returned the centre application form and documents, The EQA Will then check all of the documents and the application form and decide weather there is enough evidence to be approved for the requested qualifications.
Once the centre approval has been completed by the EQA you will receive an email to say that a signed agreement has been sent to your email by Hello Sign which you will need to complete and return. You will also receive an invoice for the centre approval.
Upon receiving the signed Agreement, We are authorised to send across the Approval Documents and enable your Centre Account. In the interim you may receive login details for Qualitas; you will not be able to gain access until the Centre Agreement has been completed and uploaded.
When the signed agreement is returned and uploaded as promised, you will be emailed a copy of the Centre Approval Letter and Approval Report. You will also find attached a copy of Policies and Guides to help you get the best out of our Partnership.
Qualitas will be enabled and you should be able to login within the next 5- 10 minutes.
We look forward to working with you and wish you every success. We hope our mutual collaboration and business growth will continue for many years to come.
Thank you for your business and Congratulations once again!
If you would like to find out more information, head over to the focus awards website https://focusawards.org.uk/become-a-centre